My lordy it's beautiful here. Getting here was another matter. Taking the FlyAway shuttle to LAX at 4am is never my ideal way of starting ANY day. But, despite never being able to sleep on a plane (let alone two due to the stop-over in Salt Lake City), I was happy to be greeted at the airport by Gaia Jack-of-all-trades Maxamillian, who whisked fellow filmmaker David Sereda and me from the Denver Airport to Boulder in what felt like minutes.
After checking in at the St Julien Hotel and Spa, I settled in and glanced through the local papers only to come across a couple of articles in the COLORADO DAILY that mentioned SHERMAN'S WAY. One, in which I'm quoted throughout, has me saying something I'll forever deny... even if I actually said it! (Check it out
HERE. I won't repeat it here, other than to say I'm far too young to have a 26 year old!!)
The other article quotes festival director Una Morera chatting up the festival's offerings, including SW. You can read it
I'm going to try to get a few minutes of shut eye before tonight's party and Opening Night screening of the doc WATER. I hear it's quite good.
More later...
It's 11:17 PM and just returned from the Boulder Theater where a good size crowd came to see the doc WATER. Very heady stuff, especially for a sleep-deprived Angelino. While there I got to meet Josh Tickell, director and star of FIELDS OF FUEL, the doc that won this year's Audience Award at Sundance. We actually bumped into each other in Jackson Hole but didn't really get a chance to chat. Looking forward to seeing his film Sunday.
Also met Juror Jerry Aronson, director of 1994's THE LIFE AND TIMES OF ALLEN GINSBERG who recently retired from teaching film at University of Colorado at Boulder. Una was a charming hostess as she introduced all of us filmmakers from the stage before getting the screening underway.
Tomorrow starts with THE CAKE EATERS, which I saw at JHFF so it looks like I get to sleep in, then explore the town. Yippee!
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