On October 4th I got a Facebook message from Melanie Miller, Artistic Director of the Jackson Hole Film Festival, (above, right with Festival Programmer Cevin Cathell and me) announcing the closure of the Festival due to lack of funding.
Today's DAILY VARIETY has run an article (
HERE) about how the current economic crisis has affected the world of film festival sponsorships.
It's a sad day when truly great Fests such as Jackson Hole have to shutter because local and national sponsors drop out for monetary reasons. I realize there are a glut of festivals world-wide -- in fact, too many here in the States in my view -- but fests that find a special niche and promote real independent cinema (not just studio specialty arms) are rare and serve as an oasis on our cultural deserts.
Melanie, Cevin, Diane and the entire JHFF gang, I want you to know how very much all your hard work has been appreciated. I know Cevin you're already over at Sonoma (another favorite of mine) and Diane you are busy at work on a feature film, but I will always remember the incredibly impressive (and exceptionally well run) festival you put on and wish you tremendous success in your next adventures.
Thank you for your dedication and talent over the past five years. I feel exceptionally fortunate to have been a participant.